Wednesday 29 October 2014

Demographics & Psychographic

Uk Tribes- What tribes are you?

Channel 4 Tribes:
Findings: young people were asked to describe themselves through numerous research activities and in turn, identified themselves as members.


-Social class
-Ethnic background
-Marital/family status
-Geographical location

VALS-Values, Attributes and Lifestyle

Primary motivation

Thinkers.                Achievers.                 Experience
Believers.               Strivers.                     Makers

A- upper class-high managerial
B- middle class-professional
C1- lower middle class
C2- skilled working class-skilled manual workers
D- working class-semi and unskilled manual workers
E- those at the lowest level of substance-pension

Mainstream-Seek security
Aspirers-Seek status
Succeeders -Seek control
Resigned-Seek survival
Explorers-Seek discovery

Strugglers-Seeks escape

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